Estimate Your Usage

Annual Usage Estimates

Here are two charts that will help you estimate the amount of propane you will consume based upon the square footage of your home. Please remember, these numbers are estimates so your actual consumption will vary based upon your individual circumstances.

Individual Homes (Gallons Per Year)

Square Footage Heat Hot Water Cooking, Dryer, Etc. Total
1800 500 250 100 850
2000 550 300 100 950
2200 600 350 100 1050
2400 650 350 100 1100
2800 750 400 100 1250
3200 1000 400 100 1500
3400 1150 425 100 1675
3800 1350 425 100 1875
4200 1600 450 100 2150
4400 1800 450 100 2350
4600 1900 450 100 2450
4800 1950 450 100 2500
5000 2000 450 100 2550
5500 2365 450 100 2915

Town Home w/Meter (Cubic Feet Per Year)

Square Footage Heat Hot Water Cooking, Dryer, Etc. Total
1500 155 60 20 235
1750 165 60 25 250
2000 180 70 25 275
2250 190 70 30 290
2500 205 75 30 310
2750 230 75 30 335
3000 245 75 30 350